You will lose your Job if you don’t read this.

You will lose your Job if you don’t read this.

We all know we’re supposed to show up to work on time, respect our managers, and meet deadlines as assigned. But here are a few things not to do if you want to succeed on the job. You may lose your job if you don’t read these or in case fails to follow them !!! specifie how to be more Efficient with Employer, and Workplace.

  • Negative Attitude.

A negative attitude doesn’t just put others in a bad mood – it also has a tangible, measurable impact on how an office functions. Here are some of the effects of an unchecked negative attitude:

  • Lacking in performance
  • Unwillingness to work cooperatively
  • Dull viewpoint
  • Resistance to try new things
  • Reduced energy levels
  • Depressive feelings
  • Reduced quality of work product
  • Poor customer engagement
  • Difficulties in overcoming obstacles

On the contrary, a positive attitude in the workplace can improve your performance, productivity, and your manager’s view of you as an important asset. Instead of finding problems, How about finding solutions?

  • Workplace Violence.

For most of us, the idea of “workplace violence” conjures up images of physical harm. But there is another form of workplace violence that is just as dangerous and insidious – and that is gossip in the workplace. Gossip is any language that would cause harm, pain, or confusion that is used outside the presence of another for whom it is intended. Gossip kills trust, teamwork, and morale. To be free from inflicting these violence on others we need to explore and heal the split between our outer selves and inner selves. Only then can we live honest, sincere and responsible lives, both within the workplace and outside as well.

  • Going Above and Beyond.

Going above and beyond the regular call of duty is a good way to get in your manager’s good graces, and possibly even advance with your career. But one thing you shouldn’t do is, be that person who’s constantly volunteering to take on more work or pick up other people’s slack. Not only will you risk having others take advantage, but you’ll potentially spread yourself too thin, at which point your overall performance might suffer.

  • Dress inappropriately.

Many offices these days are adopting a casual dress code, and while that might be good for your comfort and wallet, it also opens the door to poor decisions. No matter how laid-back your office environment might seem, don’t make the mistake of wearing clothing that’s too revealing, ripped, or just plain and unlaundered. Along these lines, avoid t-shirts with potentially offensive language or slogans. You have plenty of opportunity to express yourself outside the office, and while it’s one thing to swap your dress slacks for jeans, it’s another to sport an outfit that blatantly exposes your midriff.

  • More Words, Less Intelligent.

It’s a common misconception that the more verbose your email, the more smart you appear. When in fact, succinct emails can be perceived as more intelligent, have a higher chance of being read, and are more productive. Instead of e-mauling a co-worker with a lengthy email – take another pass to see how it could be shortened, bullet-pointed, or separated into different emails with separate messages.

  • Repeated Flyer.

Do not schedule or attend a meeting without preparation. You might think you’re good at flying by the seat of your pants, but maybe you’re actually not. Flying is for the birds, anyway. Contrarily, bringing thoughts or ideas you’ve developed prior to the meeting shows you’re disciplined and can take initiative. Go you!

  • Taking Too Much Time Off.

If you’re always late, frequently taking sick leaves, or go beyond all your vacation days, employers will notice. Your absence could interfere with work getting done — both your own work and the work of others on your team.

  • Spending too much time on Social Media.

Even if you work in a busy, bustling office, there’s a good chance someone is keeping track of your work habits. It might be your manager or a co-worker with a chip on his shoulder, but that person is bound to notice if you’re spending hours browsing on social media or chatting away on the phone. Furthermore, you never know what data your company might be tracking, so if you’re using its network or internet, be wary of patterns that could get you into trouble.

  • Political Talks.

Most office environments lend themselves to non-work-related conversations from time to time. But while it’s okay to rehash your weekend plans or engage in some mild sports-related trash talk, bringing politics into the workplace is generally a bad idea (especially today). Not only are politics a personal matter, but discussions around them tend to get heated, and the last thing you want is to create an atmosphere of bad blood because you and a co-worker don’t see eye to eye.

  • Complaining too much.

It’s one thing to occasionally express your displeasure with the way work situations are being handled, but if you get into a routine where you’re griping to your co-workers on a consistent basis, you’d better change your ways. First of all, nobody likes a complainer, but more so than that, the more you moan about the office, the greater your chances of saying something out loud that could get you into trouble. If you’re having difficulty coping with your workload or dealing with a troublesome colleague, talk it out with your partner, buddy, or therapist and keep your cool while you’re on the job

  • Come in Infectious.

Many companies don’t distinguish between vacation and sick days, which means that if you’re under the weather, you might be tempted to drag yourself into the office and reserve your time off for something fun. But while it’s okay to come in with a moderate case of the sniffles, if you’re running a fever, coughing up a lung, or experiencing any sort of serious digestive upheaval, you’ll be doing your co-workers a favor by just staying home. If anything, explain to your boss that you’re well enough to work but are carrying germs, and you might get permission to do your job from home that day.

  • Anything Illegal.

This really shouldn’t have to be said, but so many people break so many laws all of the time, they obviously don’t think it’s a big deal. Think about speeding. Everyone does it, right? But don’t do it when you’re driving on company business. What about working off the clock? You shouldn’t do that either. Don’t sign documents you’re not legally authorized to sign. Don’t do drugs. Don’t let regulations slide. Be a stickler for legality.

  •  Ignoring Your Boss’s Warnings.

When your boss says you need to come in on time, He/she really means it. When your boss says your attitude needs adjusting, it needs adjusting. When your boss says He/she wants you to focus on task A before going on to task B, you better make A, your priority. When you don’t pay attention to these warnings, you put your career on the line.

FOBZA hopes that with these of essentials, your potentials will be placed in a right position.




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